Community + connection

Students gain lifetime access to our growing global community

We know that building a career is more than just acquiring skills and applying knowledge; it's about developing confidence and connections. That’s why all our experiences are brought to life with an exciting online events calendar, packed with mindset coaching, guest speakers and networking opportunities within our growing global community of students + grads!

a person with long hair looking at their phone

Upcoming Events

Our FREE monthly mindset coaching webinars take place on the first Wednesday of every month at 6pm (GMT) via LinkedIn LIVE. All you need to join is save your spot, dial in, and get ready to invest 1 hour in YOU!

Past Webinars


What Our Community Say

Sima Almahrous wearing a hoodie and smiling at the camera
Lejla Mušanović standing in front of a red wall
Subhan Mirza in a suit
Kacy O wearing a necklace and smiling for the camera
a black and white photo of a Katy O’Hanlon with long hair
Priyanka Punja with long black hair wearing glasses

Join Our Community TODAY!

If you're a soon-to-be or recent graduate looking to boost your Mindset, Skills + Experience, then our community is for you! Join our monthly mindset coaching webinars and LinkedIn community, today!

a man with his arms crossed smilinga woman wearing a blue hat and a watch